Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 2018 Newsletter

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Angels Always Around Us

     Sometimes when an unexpected situation or problem arises, we go into fear mode and try to solve the problem from there.  Fear based problem solving causes more anxiety, a clouded mind, and may not generate the best solutions.  The fear may have you looking for a "for now" solution, when there is a "for good" solution available, you just can't see it.  When you approach a problem from a love perspective, the solution can come to you so clearly you will be like "Why didn't I think of that before?"  Yes, a problem can be approached from a love perspective even if you don't like the other person, their actions, or the situation.  You have to find the base for love and work from there.  This base for love may be the love you have for your children, yourself, of just the other person because they are a human.  It need not be a large base, just a base that is authentic.  Can you love the other person as a human and wish them well/better health? That is a type of love base.  It doesn't have to be complicated for the solution to find you, it just has to come from love not fear.

Message from the Angels
The angels want you to know you are doing well right now, even though you may not feel like it.  They want you to know that your progress and success will threaten some people, but you need to keep your head & spirits high. You are right where you are supposed to be, and more good things are on the way as long as you do not allow yourself to descend because of others.  This is a time for change for you and there will be a happy outcome as a result of this change.  Just like the caterpillar whose change may not always look pretty, there will be some ugly moments, but hold on because the transformation will be beautiful! You will emerge from your cocoon powerful and positive and will be blessed in ways you can't even imagine!  Continue on your path and stay strong, dear one, great things are coming for you and those you love.  

Crystal Corner


Titanium Aura Quartz is great for increasing psychic abilities, astral travel, bringing joy and excitement into life’s experiences, and dispelling sadness.  It is also good for clearing and balancing all the chakras and helps release negative emotional blockages. Titanium Aura Quartz enhances and strengthens the energy of other stones.  As far as assisting with physical ailments, it stimulates the endocrine system, helps with diabetes, activates a sluggish immune system, helps treat throat, ear, and eye disorders, and can bring the body back into balance.

Upcoming Events
I am available for readings and other services
online, by phone, video chat,
and in person at my office or at events.

Light of Divine Truth Foundations Psychic Fair
Saturday, July 14th from 9 AM to 5 PM
Ramada Inn
1083 Route 206
Bordentown, NJ

Woodbridge Psychic Fair 
Saturday, Aug. 18th from 11 AM to 5 PM
The Club at Woodbridge
585 Main Street
Woodbridge, NJ

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

No Time For Tears

Don’t cry girl, there is not time for tears now.
The world has knocked you down,
But you must get up and brush yourself off.
The tears will have to wait.
You have things to do,
Responsibilities you must tackle.
The pain inside, must be pushed down,
Down deep until you can weep.  
Later you can let your tears mix with the water from your shower,
Or let them dampen your pillow as you drift off to sleep.
Right now, there is no time for tears.
No time to let worry become major fears.
Take your sorrow, put it in a box.
The sorrow can’t become one of your blocks.
Take a deep breath.
The pain is only temporary though it burns deep.
You know the solution is coming,
As long as your path you keep.  
You know it will get better,
So don’t allow the sadness into depression to seep.
You are loved.
The Angels stand by your side,
Waiting for that Divine moment,
To bless you with the solution.  
Don’t allow your negativity to turn into mind pollution.
Focus on love and light,

Everything will be alright.